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Geriatric Psychiatry

Geriatric psychiatry focuses on the psychological as well as biological aspects of normal ageing, the effects of chronic and acute physical illness and the psychosocial considerations of the primary psychiatric disturbances of older age. The medical practitioners of this branch of psychiatry focus on early intervention, offering continuous care, applying new therapies and also accessing clinical research protocols.

Importance of geriatric psychiatry

The rising number of senior individuals, indicates that we need better understanding of how the process of aging affects the mental health of a person. Common ailments like depression, dementia and stroke are likely to affect a person as he grows old. Such people become helpless in the face of odds and struggle to function normally or to cope with. Common signs of a mentally affected aged person. Most people over the age of 65 become susceptible to a host of mental and physical illnesses, therefore it is important that we must know the signs of geriatric psychiatry so that we can prevent both patients and caregivers. Signs which can help you indentify such an issue.

  1. Threatening the safety of the caregivers with objects at their disposal.
  2. Thinking about and even trying to end their lives
  3. Behaving in such a manner that it becomes challenging for the family members and the caregivers.
  4. Showing symptoms which become hard to diagnose as well as treat.
  5. Constantly interfering in the activities of other people.
  6. Shouting and becoming violent.

7. Saying that they do not require any help even though they are ailing or are in an unsafe condition.

The geriatric psychiatrists are professional experts dealing with the health conditions of such affected elderly people. They aim to help those suffering from chronic depression, anxiety, schizophrenia, late life addiction disorders and many other problems which may even include physical problems.

Ways to treat the affected individuals

  1. Older people may have different social, mental and physical needs than younger people. The geriatric psychiatrists understand this and aim to offer a comprehensive solution to all the problems faced by the affected individuals.
  2. The treatment plan include medical treatments for the underlying physical conditions and also gives support for the mental issues by listening to as well as responding to the needs and demands of the sufferer.
  3. A comprehensive treatment program typically comprises of medications, family support, social help, environmental concerns and other things as applicable to help the person live as healthily as possible.

If any of your loved ones is suffering from these problems, you should immediately seek medical aid.

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