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Epilepsy Treatment

Epilepsy (Seizures/ Fits)

Many people would be curious about what is epilepsy, when searching for epilepsy treatment in Mumbai.

Epilepsy is a neurological disorder where there is abnormal brain activity, which leads to seizures/ fits, or can also cause some short periods of unusual or abnormal behaviour, sensations and sometimes loss of consciousness.

Epilepsy can be present in anyone, of all ages, races, sex and all ethnic backgrounds.

Epilepsy happens due to uncontrolled discharge of electrical activity in your brain. This can lead to a wide variety of symptoms such as: Temporary confusion, staring spells, muscles stiffness, uncontrollable jerking movements of hands and legs, tongue bites, loss of consciousness.

Nearly 50 percent of patients with epilepsy have a psychiatric symptom or a disorder and will need treatment. Most common psychological disturbances can be anxiety, depression, irritability, headaches, anger out bursts.

There are various reasons for developing epilepsy, such as Genetic influence, head trauma, brain abnormalities, infections, developmental disorders etc.

Epilepsy as such is mainly a clinical diagnosis, but sometimes assistance of other investigations such as EEG, CT brain, some blood investigations, in helpful in diagnosing epilepsy.

When looking for epilepsy treatment in Mumbai, and its associated psychiatric symptoms is very easily available and quite effective.

Medicines for epilepsy treatment are quite safe, very effective and need to be generally given for a prolonged period of time.

In some cases, treatment can be reduced, tapered or even stopped after 3-5 years after the last seizure. In some cases, at least 1 medicine, might need to be taken lifelong.

Some myths and facts about epilepsy

Myth: Seizures can be stopped by giving a key in hand or making a person smell a shoe or onion

Fact: False, the attack stops on its own and not due to the above factors


  1. Epilepsy is a mental illness.
  2. People with epilepsy are below normal in intelligence.
  3. Marriage cures epilepsy


  1. No. It’s a brain disorder.
  2. Most people with epilepsy have normal intelligence and are quite successful.
  3. Of course not! Medicines help treat epilepsy

Myth: 1) You are born with epilepsy. 2) Epilepsy is rare 3) Epilepsy is contagious

Fact: 1) Anyone can develop epilepsy any point in their lives 2) In India around 12 million people have epilepsy. 3) You cannot catch epilepsy from another person

First aid for epilepsy, until you seek treatment for epilepsy:

  • Turn patient sideways, loosen tight cloth around neck
  • Do not put anything in their mouth and block airway
  • Move or guide away from harmful objects
  • Do not give water, pills or food until the person is AWAKE
  • Do not restrain

Stay with them until they are awake and alert.

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