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An Overview Of How Music Therapy Helps With Mental Health Issues

An Overview Of How Music Therapy Helps With Mental Health Issues

As we all know, music can affect our mood and mind. Even the experience of listening to a particular kind of music can have an impact on our overall emotional state. Similarly, music therapy is used to help people psychologically, emotionally, spiritually, and cognitively.  In this blog, we will discuss the relationship between music therapy and mental health. When we talk about music therapy, it is a systematic process wherein the therapist helps the patient address psychological, behavioural, and cognitive issues to promote overall mental well-being. Even the best child psychiatrists in Mumbai rely on music therapy for treating mental health issues in children.

In music therapy, the patient either plays a musical instrument or simply listens or sings. However, one does not require professional musical skills to opt for this therapy. Other modes include playing composed music on instruments and writing songs. In some cases, psychiatry clinics in Navi Mumbai also discuss, reflect, or interpret themes related to music to help patients understand the potential meaning of the experience.

There are two forms of music therapy:

  1. Active- In the active form, the patient makes music either alone or with a therapist or within a group.
  2. Receptive- In the receptive form the client is made to listen to music, exclusively.

Music is linked to various neurobiological processes in the mind and brain function. Some of the ways in which music therapy impacts an individual are-

  • Self-reflection

Helps with the observation of thoughts, emotions, and behaviour patterns.

  • Communication

Music therapy is known to enhance one’s communication and social skills. Some music therapies also include group activities which can help in these areas.

  • Reduces muscle tension

Music helps release muscle tension and stress on the muscles. Additionally, music therapy is also used for pain management.

  • Helps with motivation

Music therapy is often used by organisations to boost motivation in the workplace.

Some other beneficial effects of music therapy include memory improvement, blood pressure management, stress management, and strengthening of motor skills. Make sure to opt for a certified psychiatry clinic in Navi Mumbai for music therapy.

Music therapy helps individuals deal with mental health issues like anxiety, stress, hypertension, chronic pain, depression, autism, Alzheimer’s disease, PTSD, and OCD. In many cases, this therapy has also shown positive results in helping patients with insomnia, substance abuse, and schizophrenia.

Music therapy also helps with dementia. In dementia, patients that are already fluent in playing a musical instrument have lesser rates of cognitive decline. It also creates an alternate mode of communication for patients who have limited ability to speak and understand language.

Is music therapy recommended by psychiatrists and how does it work?

One of the most asked questions about music therapy is its procedure and effectiveness. Most psychiatrists recommend music therapy in combination with counselling and medication.

In the paediatric age group, for autism and autism spectrum disorders, the effect of music therapy on communication skills has shown good improvement. It also helps children with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) by improving attention span and memory. The most reliable and best child psychiatrist in Mumbai recommends music therapy.

So how does it work?

A typical music therapy session is designed as per the patient’s issue. It lasts for 30 to 50 minutes in most cases. The frequency of these sessions depends on the signs of improvement after each session. Music therapy techniques include listening to live or recorded music, learning deep breathing techniques with music assistance, playing instruments, writing lyrics of songs, creating art with music, and learning to play a musical instrument.

Making music is motivating, hence works well for those who otherwise have little or no motivation.

Playing instruments may improve gross and fine motor coordination in dementia patients with motor impairments. Also, singing can further help the development of articulation, rhythm, and breath control. Musical rhythm may help them to organize time and space.

Schedule an appointment at the best psychiatry clinic in Navi Mumbai or consult a child psychiatrist in Mumbai for music therapy.

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